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Dr. Sharon D. Jones Deloach is a notable Instructional Executive Leader. For the past 25 years, she has strategically made herself available to lead cross-functional teams and model the role of an innovator. She holds a Doctor of Education degree, EC-12 superintendent, principal, and teacher certifications. She also holds counseling certificates, a non-profit certification, and is a Future Achievement International (FAI) certified Personal Leadership Effectiveness (PLE) Trainer/Coach. She has served in roles of Education Director, Analyst, Consultant, High School Principal, Assistant Principal, At-Risk Facilitator, Post-secondary Education Counselor, Teacher, and Social Service Administrator.
​Sharon D. Deloach, Ed.D., Managing Principal
Dr. Deloach earned her Doctoral of Education degree from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. She completed her International Studies Tour in Europe, summer 2014 – touring Belgium, Germany, France, and The Netherlands learning the Dutch Vocational & University Systems collaborating with the University of Maastricht and Zuyd University & Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Dr. Deloach earned her Masters of Education degree from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor and Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University-CC.
Dr. Deloach’s achievements serving as a U.S. Department of Education, OVAE, State Scholars Initiative Educational Analyst involved implementing education programs, interventions, and policy alignments with K-16 school administrators, teachers and counselors, students and parents, institutions of higher education, business organizations, philanthropic and civic organizations, legislators, and chief state education officers across the United States.
As an Instructional Leader, she is a staunch education reformer, restructuring traditional and nontraditional schools and programs; increasing district, student, and staff performance. The central aspect of her agenda is in finding ways to effectively support students, teachers, education and industry leaders in their learning and understanding of underrepresented and disenfranchised students and workforces applying research-based culturally relevant pedagogical strategies.
In addition to Dr. Sharon’s International experiences, she has extensive community involvement as a leader and advocate, leveraging a professional background and significant experience in directing and developing education, nonprofit, economic development, corporate and social service initiatives. Blending a unique talent of entrepreneur skills her branded education intervention designs focus on rigorous, collaborative research-based instruction and support systems confirming a stellar record of success of performance improvement and organizational leadership.
Dr. Sharon has worked with thousands of educators, parents, and workforces, conducting staff development workshops, parent and student workshops in more than two dozen states. Her presentations focus on innovative Culturally Relevant Instructional and Leadership Training for your School, Organization, or Business. Her conference and convocation presentations go beyond the basics of a model with proven results of improving education for traditionally underrepresented and disengaged students, and workforces which also include . . .
Research-based results
Exposure to motivational and engagement strategies
Sample lesson plans
Guidance on determining the culture of your students and organization
Disclosure of approaches for connecting culture and instruction and/or leadership strategies
For training, consulting, conferences, and/or convocations visit Dr. Sharon’s Web site at http://www.instructionalleadership.net or email her at sharon.deloach@att.net. Phone: 254-721-7889